Sellers who want to offer their products for sale on Amazon must go through the Amazon account verification process to prove their identity so Amazon and buyers know they are purchasing products from verified sellers. The process is stringent, which means that new sellers often run into problems when attempting to register and verify their accounts. Fortunately, you can avoid the most common mistakes by simply being aware of them.
Name and Address Mismatch
Mismatching company names and addresses is one of the most common mistakes that leads to identity verification rejection. All names and addresses on all submitted documents must match exactly, down to the punctuation. If you spell out Street on one document and abbreviate it as St. on another document, your application will be rejected.
Additionally, all documents you submit for verification must be in the name of the business owner and include the registered business address. You can’t submit your business name and your personal address, for instance. It will never get through Amazon’s strict rules. If your utilities are paid for by your leasing company, you’ll also have to include a leasing contract so that Amazon understands why the billing address for the utilities is different from the physical address of your company.
Incorrect Bank Account Information
Check and double-check that your bank account information is correct the first time you upload it. This includes your account number and routing number, both of which are needed for the verification process. Amazon does allow you to change your banking information after you’ve registered your account, but it flags your account as a risk and sometimes it can cause Amazon to suspend your account indefinitely.
Your bank statements must also have some transactions on them before you can submit them for review by Amazon. Even if you’ve set the bank account up specifically for your Amazon business account, you’ll need to make some off-Amazon transactions prior to applying for verification because Amazon will not accept blank statements. This is a flag for fraudulent companies.
More Than One Seller Account
You are only allowed to have one seller account on Amazon per region in which you sell unless you can demonstrate you have a “legitimate business need” for more than one account. A legitimate business need may include selling separate brands that must be maintained as separate business entities, you manufacture products for different and distinct companies, or Amazon recruits you for a program that requires two or more accounts.
Otherwise, if you try to open up a second seller account, you will find your primary account suspended and your second one denied. Most of the time, sellers are trying to open a second account because they’ve either forgotten they’ve already opened one or they are trying to circumvent a suspension or potential suspension. These reasons are not legitimate and will cause problems with your account verification.
Knowing the reasons for most account verification rejections from Amazon can help you avoid those mistakes in the first place and get your Amazon business up and running sooner rather than later.
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