Has your business recently reached its current profit potential and hit the proverbial glass ceiling? If your company is to take that all-important next step in its development, you might want to consider relocating to a working environment that better suits your organization’s current wants and needs. Moving to a new office will be sure to boost your staff morale; it will no doubt have a positive impact on your company’s brand perception, and, depending on where you relocate to, it might even grant you access to the very latest and best tech tools.
If you want to make the best possible start to life in your new office, it’s crucial that you fill it with all the tools and amenities that are necessary to your business’ success. To find out what you must do to equip your new office space in a productive yet cost-effective fashion, be sure to read on.
Funding your new office project
Are you worried that a lack of money is going to hold you back from making a fresh start in your new office? If you can’t afford to fill your new working environment with all the tools you and your workforce need to operate in a highly productive manner, simply take out an equipment financing loan.
This is a type of small business loan that is used to purchase typical office equipment… and it is an incredibly smart way to fund your relocation project. You can use your new equipment as collateral in exchange for the cash injection, which means that you will able to take out the loan and preserve your on-hand cash.
Cover the basics
Before you start investing in productivity-enhancing tools and amenities, you need to cover the basics. Here are just a few of the things that you should purchase once you’re handed the keys to your new office:
- A telephone system
- Computers (with hard drives, modems, monitors, and keyboards)
- Industry-specific software solutions
- Internet connection
- Multifunction printer/scanner
- Shredder
- Mailing equipment
- Ergonomic office furniture and workstations
- Security system
- Stationery (paper, envelopes, pens, staplers, folders, etc.)
Equipping the office for enhanced productivity
Once you have the basics in order, it’s time to start taking your new office to the next level. If you want your brand-new working environment to have a profound impact on the way both you and your workforce operate, you have to equip the space for enhanced productivity. You can achieve this by:
- investing in additional storage space to ensure that the working environment remains clutter-free;
- embracing an open floor plan to increase workforce collaboration and simplify colleague communication;
- ensuring that the space is permeated with lots of natural light, as this will help to lower your workforce’s stress levels.
You may have relocated to the perfect location, but you still need to bring your new workspace to life if you’re to eventually transform it into a productive business environment. Put the above advice into practice and your new office will feel like home before you know it.