Symmetry Financial Group Shares Key Information About Debt Free Life

Symmetry Financial Group has created a program specifically designed to help clients walk away from their debt in less than a decade, build the nest eggs they will need to have a fruitful and purposeful retirement, and protect themselves from catastrophe.


This program is called Debt Free Life, and it gives people the power to leverage life insurance to face their biggest financial challenges – all without spending extra money each month or committing to an arduous or painful payment plan.

How does Debt Free Life work? 

With the Debt Free Life program, customers purchase a permanent life insurance policy, then use the cash value of that policy to pay off their debts. Effectively, instead of taking a loan from a bank (and having to pay interest on that loan), customers pay off their debts using funds from the life insurance policy.

Debt Free Life is extensively customizable to work with specific budgets and debts, and the program has been used by many people to successfully pay off mortgages, credit card debt, student loans, and auto loans. When a new customer consults with Symmetry Financial Group, they get a custom payment plan that shows exactly when these debts will be paid and what their retirement fund could look like when those debts have been paid off, as well as how much they will save in interest by choosing Debt Free Life over a conventional loan.

How much do people pay to utilize Debt Free Life? 

Debt Free Life doesn’t cost anything out of pocket, as the money for payments are coming from the life insurance policy. That said, customers do need to apply for life insurance, qualify for their policy, and make regular payments of premiums to ensure that the policy stays active. Because this is a form of cash value insurance, the life insurance policy itself helps the customer get started and continue to use the program to their advantage.

What is permanent life insurance? 

Permanent life insurance is exactly what it says it is – a permanent, lifetime policy, rather than one that only lasts for a predetermined number of years. If the customer makes regular payments of their premiums, this policy will pay a death benefit payout to chosen beneficiaries at the end of their life. As an added benefit, most customers don’t need to go through any kind of medical exam to start their coverage.

How much time does it take the average person to get rid of their debt? 

Customers pay off their debts at whatever pace works for them, and this is determined by meeting with a Symmetry Financial Group agent and putting together an effective, sustainable plan. In most cases, customers are out of debt in nine years or less. The program allows customers to eliminate their debts, owe less interest to lenders, and benefit from the protections and comfort of knowing that they and their families will be protected in the event that the worst were to happen.

How can I get started with Debt Free Life? 

If you want to be among the many people paying off debt on their terms – not their bank’s, not a credit card company’s, or anyone else’s – Debt Free Life just might be for you. Simply fill out a short form to get started. You’ll soon hear from a consultant who can help you put together a plan that meets your needs, your budget, and your goals. They can’t wait to hear from you and help you start your journey to a Debt Free Life today!

Click here to learn more about Symmetry Financial Group and Debt Free Life.