9 reasons to modernize your business with cloud computing

Cloud computing is very much the norm for businesses across the world, but some organizations still lag behind. Making the switch to cloud-based operation has a range of strategic advantages, and it’s often much cheaper to implement than you might expect. If you’re still undecided, here are some of the top reasons to upgrade.

#1 Go paperless

Most businesses now strive to be greener and more sustainable. Cloud computing puts this goal in easy reach by offering an entirely paperless office. Where once employees would have to print off and share documents, this can now be done completely via the cloud. Better still, collaboration on documents is much easier and doesn’t require multiple copies. Employees can amend, sign and edit documents via the cloud, taking paper completely out of the equation.

#2 Future proof the business

Future-proofing is a broad term, but cloud computing simply makes a business more agile so that it is ready to adapt to change. As part of digital transformation guided by experienced aws consulting firms and other experts, many companies have opted for cloud computing as a way to dispense with outdated hardware, make remote work easier and workflow more efficient. While nobody can say exactly what the future of the business world has in store, the sheer flexibility of cloud computing makes its proponents flexible enough to adapt.

#3 Easier file sharing

File and software sharing are usually the two big reasons that businesses turn to cloud computing. The former has already been discussed in relation to going paperless. Being able to share files remotely is much more convenient and makes for a more efficient office. Cloud software is even more important. Employees can access crucial company software without installing it on their machines, saving time and money and opening up a more flexible work schedule.

#4 It’s more secure

Wired connections are vulnerable. If one person opens a bad attachment or makes a mistake online, malware can quickly infiltrate the whole network. No such problems exist with a cloud. Cloud software is notoriously secure and robust, with inbuilt firewalls, malware protection, and multiple levels of security. Access is usually segregated behind VPNs, too. This means that if one person accesses the cloud from a compromised computer, the rest of the system won’t be affected.

#5 Remote work becomes easier

Remote work was commonplace during the pandemic, but even as Covid-19 recedes across the world, there won’t be a full-scale return to the office. Employers and employees alike have realized not just the many benefits of home working but how easy it is to implement. Rather than hindering productivity, many businesses found that their staff actually worked better from home. Moreover, employees appreciated the additional time in their lives since they no longer had to commute back and forth. Work from home and hybrid models are undoubtedly the future. Remote, cloud-based storage ensures that files and software can be shared anywhere, making the process much easier.

#6 Reduced costs

Cloud computing simply costs less than maintaining physical machines. Where once you might have needed to run a fully stocked office, now employees can work from anywhere via the cloud. That cuts down on energy bills, physical infrastructure, and, in some cases, means that you can dispense with the office altogether. A fully remote workplace is exponentially cheaper than a physical one, so businesses can invest the spare capital elsewhere.

#7 Increased efficiency

More than just a cost-cutting measure, cloud computing is far more efficient than a wired network. Employees no longer need to print and share documents manually, but the advantages stretch even further. Software updates on the cloud happen once, rather than having to be performed on each computer individually. Security patches and even new systems are installed in the same way, making the process far less labor-intensive.

#8 Automatic backups

Data loss can be catastrophic for any business, regardless of its size. Losses occur for several reasons, including hacks, physical damage, and even power cuts. While physical backups are important, even these can fail. Cloud systems make automatic backups of all your files, which are stored in a remote, highly secure location. When you’re using the cloud, you can do so safe in the knowledge that your data is always backed up.

#9 Near unlimited storage

Hard drives cost money and take up physical office space. Some larger companies even devote whole warehouses to data storage, but this isn’t a problem with cloud computing. Digital storage is simple, cost-effective, and doesn’t require physical space. Businesses can upgrade their storage (for a price, of course) at the click of a button. This means that cloud computing is uniquely scalable and will grow alongside your business.