Freelance Working in London: What You Need to Know

It is many a person’s dream to move to the city for an exciting career, and it is often hailed as a place where dreams can become a reality. But, as many adults know, the real world is not exactly that simple, so it is safe to assume that neither is this.

However, as with all new ventures, there are some steps you can take to help make things go a little easier. 

This piece is here to talk about what you need to know as a freelancer in London!

Utilize All Available Resources 


You have made it to London but have fast realized that you are a little fish in a big pond – don’t worry, almost everyone is. The first course of action here is to “get yourself out there”. This can include freelancer job websites, Facebook groups, freelancer platforms, being active on LinkedIn, and, of course, going out and meeting people! There are many workshops and seminars where you can whet your whistle and meet like-minded people, which will help you create a network of contacts. Be sure to set up job alerts too around your area or for remote work, so when you are not actively looking for something, the jobs that are relevant can also come to you. 

Be sure to build yourself a website and portfolio, too, as this will be really useful if someone wants to see what you are all about, and fast. Being easily contactable will go a long way in helping you find work and new opportunities. 

Choose a Shared Working Space 


There is a good chance that you will not want to be running your business from your 1-bed studio flat day in, day out, and that will also not help you when it comes to the networking side of being a freelancer. So, the next step is to find yourself a decent co-working space. Hot desks are particularly great for this, as you do not need to commit to a certain number of days, there is no lease or rent, and you can come and go as you please within the stated work hours. If free tea, coffee, and fast wireless broadband are also of importance to you, then check out for some great hot desk deals. 

Make Sure You Have Your Paperwork Pristine


Being a freelancer also comes with a lot of responsibility. You are responsible for your own taxes, invoices, and insurance, to name a few, so making sure you are on top of this at every point is crucial to avoiding excessive stress and problems. If you need to, set yourself up a business account straight away to save having to do it at a later date, research accountants and find one that you can trust, and make sure to look into which licenses or insurances you might need for your business and get it all covered. If you are not sure what you need, then make sure to head over to the government website for guidance.