Things You Might Overlook When Starting a Homemade Cosmetics Business

Making your own cosmetics can be an excellent hobby that ensures you are getting the benefits that you want from items like lotions, body sprays and lip balm, and turning that hobby into a business can be a good way to be your own boss. There are some things which are often overlooked by entrepreneurs in the cosmetics industry, however, like the intricacies of packaging and legal regulations.

Things You Might Overlook When Starting a Homemade Cosmetics Business


It can be easy to find generic packaging online and design labels with your home computer, but those things can miss important factors such as shipping regulations and professional appearance. When looking into packaging your cosmetics line, it is a good idea to find plastic bottle packaging suppliers that offer a range of container options as well as services for printing custom labels onto them. Not only will this give you a more professional look, but it can save you the time of doing it all yourself and you can talk to your supplier about tamper-resistant caps, shipping requirements and more as you are building your order.


Not only are there legalities around opening a business, such as which licenses are required, there are laws regulating each industry. The legalities around cosmetics involve everything from which ingredients you can use, which ones you can ship to customers and what information needs to be on your labels. You will want to check local, state and national business requirements as well as the regulations around the cosmetic products you sell to ensure that you are doing it all right. You will also want to research the types of insurance you are required to carry, which ones are recommended for your industry and how to get the policies.

Opening your own business means doing a lot of initial research into the laws, insurance and marketing aspects as well as packaging, logos and more. It is important not to overlook the safety and shipping regulations surrounding cosmetics and specific packaging before you get started to avoid getting shut down.