Top Tips on How You Can Impress New Clients

In many industries, having repeat business is important. Landing a new client is always great, but the key step is to ensure that they keep coming back to you over the long term. Therefore, the big question is: just how do you do that? There are lots of different ways to make a good impression on the people you work with. Below are just a few of our favorite tips to inspire you.

Make an excellent first impression

Your first meeting with a new client – whether that’s online or in-person – is the most critical. First impressions are everything, and a bad one is hard to shift. Initially, you should focus on getting the basics right – be on time, have all the materials that you need, research the client company in detail, dress smartly, speak clearly, make eye contact, be positive, ensure your office is neat and tidy if they’re coming to you, and so on. All of this will result in your client having positive feelings towards you and being likely to use you again.

Consider sending a gift

Sending small gifts to clients can be an effective way to keep your company in their minds and give them a favorable impression of you. It doesn’t have to be anything extravagant, like a huge hamper, either. Corporate chocolate gifts branded with your logo can be a delicious and memorable choice. Alternatively, you could opt for something that will last a bit longer, such as stationery, reusable water bottles, or a coffee mug. Whatever you choose, the main factor is that it should be personalized and also good quality – otherwise you might find yourself making a negative impression instead! Holidays such as Christmas are an obvious time to send a gift, but you could also send one as a thank you at the end of a project.

Do first-rate work

One of the biggest keys to landing repeat customers is actually the simplest: be good at what you do. It doesn’t matter how many gifts you send; if your work is of a low standard, then you won’t be contacted again. Focus on delivering what you promise to the best of your ability. Not only will this impress the people you’re currently working with, but it will also make it more likely that they will recommend you to other companies, further helping you to grow your business. It’s a good idea to be clear and upfront about your fees from the start, too, to avoid any awkwardness when it comes to invoicing.

Go the extra mile

Doing more than is required of you is always a good way to impress the clients that you’re working with. This doesn’t mean you have to put in hours of extra work for free, but by being proactive, suggesting improvements, or adding little extras in at no cost, you can show your clients that you’re not just in it for the money. Let your passion for your work shine through, and you’ll probably find that you’re doing this naturally anyway!