Buy Bitcoin: Overview of How NFTs, Stablecoins, and Bitcoin ETFs Would Rise and Become Mainstream In 2022

Many of the biggest headlines of 2021 were about cryptocurrency. Economic and industry experts hailed digital currencies as a game-changing technology that has the ability to develop new economies and empower those without bank accounts or access to traditional financial services.

As more investors buy Bitcoin, we take a look at how NFTs, Stablecoins, and Bitcoin would rise and become mainstream in 2022.

Road To Mainstream Bitcoin In 2022

Big businesses are already figuring out how to incorporate cryptocurrencies into their operations as more investors buy Bitcoin. This year, everybody from hedge fund managers to Starbucks executives anticipates decisions that will affect how we use digital money.

When we hear about cryptocurrencies in the news, we usually think of Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s comments, overnight billionaires, high-end digital art, and hacks. The larger, more significant changes, on the other hand, are commonly less showy and attention-grabbing than whatever crypto-hype machine is currently dominating Twitter.

There will be a greater emphasis on utility, a key reason why many investors will buy Bitcoin. Rather than focusing solely on a few use cases that generate a lot of buzz, we’ll see a greater emphasis on use cases that deliver genuine benefits. There will also be a greater discussion about financial inclusion and how people who buy Bitcoin can key into it.

The Emergence Of Cryptocurrency Financial Advisors

Money has long been used as the predominant global medium of exchange. As such, there’s an entire business market dedicated to helping individuals and businesses properly manage and plan their finances. Financial advisors are undoubtedly important guides for many in the modern world.

Now, we’re experiencing a cryptocurrency uproar. Cryptos are growing rapidly, and reaching everywhere. Instead of being of interest only to a niche group, crypto is starting to take root everywhere across various industries. 

Of course, the main quality to note about cryptocurrency (and all crypto-related assets) is that it’s a digital medium of exchange. You’re either getting digital money or an asset valued in said money.

With that said, Bitcoin and other coins operate differently from traditional currency. Learning all of the ins and outs of crypto can be quite a demanding endeavour, especially for the average everyday investor. We can probably expect to see crypto advisor services become more sought after. 

Managing a crypto investment portfolio, deciding how much to invest, identifying good investments, avoiding bad investments, splitting your investments between different coins and tokens, and maintaining an overall upward trend in your investments. It’s reasonable to expect that many new investors might struggle with this, especially considering the youth and volatility of the crypto market. We’re sure to see a discussion on the many benefits a crypto financial planner can offer, particularly to new investors who don’t fully understand the market yet.

NFTs Continued Unprecedented Rise

Non-Fungible Tokens, or NFTs, are a buzzword that many of us first heard around 2021. NFTs are gaining traction in the art and collectibles markets as a novel way to determine ownership of digital goods through the use of a blockchain ledger. Collectors can use Pastel Coin, for instance, to purchase rare digital artworks created by others. The Bored Ape Yacht Club was one of 2021’s most notable NFT collections. Just take a look at these top nft stats that will blow your mind!

NFTs, on the other hand, have significantly more potential than bizarre digital artworks. NFTs are also used to buy digital land in virtual worlds and to own, licence, and produce next-generation music. Some analysts believe that in the future, NFTs will provide access to special sales or limited-edition products. Consider using an NFT to purchase a concert ticket. Or when you go online to play your favourite video game? All of this is expected to happen in 2022.

We’ve witnessed a shift away from artist-driven NFTs toward NFTs that are more concerned with access or authorization. A party was recently held in New York, and attendees were given entry to the event by purchasing an NFT. So I’m curious if there will be a focus on using NFTs for digital identity.

One of the most fruitful areas of promise for NFTs may be the $85 billion video game industry. Some of the bigger studios have already begun to use them. NFTs could serve as building blocks for a next-generation digital world, given the buzz around the metaverse, an immersive 3D digital environment envisaged by Meta (formerly Facebook) CEO Mark Zuckerberg and other IT industry movers and shakers.

“Gamers are already used to caring about digital products, thus NFTs have a huge market potential: a few million NFT users compared to over 3 billion gamers. When it comes to the junction of NFTs, gaming, and the metaverse, we’re seeing some fascinating advancements.

Widespread Acceptance of Stablecoins

Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have made headlines due to their volatility. Some investors still choose to buy Bitcoin because, at the hyper-speed of the internet, you can become a millionaire or lose everything. However, try buying a latte with bitcoin, and the volatility can quickly become perplexing.

Stablecoins are cryptocurrencies linked to an underlying asset, helps to alleviate some of the risks, and it is a viable alternative for investors who are keen to buy Bitcoin. Stablecoins may play a critical role in transforming cryptocurrency into a tool that we can use to perform routine transactions.

People would start paying attention to stablecoin trends, both as a means of payment and as a digital currency denominated in US dollars. In 2021, we saw additional use cases for cross-border payments, aid relief, and rapid settlement payments, and we’ll see even more in 2022.

One of the key values of a stablecoin is the ability to transfer assets more effectively. This value is invaluable for businesses that need to move digital assets and cash quickly and efficiently.

Stablecoins will be adopted by more industries as a more effective way to make payments in the payments sector. Volumes of stablecoins will continue to rise, but the proportion of that volume dedicated to crypto trading will decline.